Prediction equal to last 2 Digits Deriv Bot


Last 2 Digits X,X
Prediction X
Quick Digit Differ Trade
Martingale Split Function

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This bot set prediction to consecutive last digits. Additionally this bot includes Martingale split codes.


If digit 2 appears consecutively two times, bot will set the prediction to 2 and immediately place a digit differ 2 trade. This logic work for all the other digits also. If same two digits appeared, bot will set the prediction based on it.

Can increase the number of analyzing digits on your request. Not limited to 2, you can analyze 3,4,5 or any number of consecutive last digits.

As an additional option, bot includes martingale split code blocks. It is very beneficial to use martingale split function in digit differ trades because martingale amount of digit differ trades are very high. Since our winning rate is high, we can split over martingale amount into few trades and recover as parts. This reduces the loss of high amount of money at once.

Go to Deriv Bot Plarform:

Download Martingale Split Code Block: 



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