Digit Differ Stake Split Bot


Digit Differ Dot
Last Digit Analysing
Set Lowest Stat % to Prediction
Split Martingale

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This bot Trades in Deriv Bot Platform.

Can use on both Dbot platform and Deriv Binary Bot platform.

This bot use special tick analysis method. You can enter the number of ticks that bot needs to analyse. If you enter 100, bot analyse last digits of last 100 ticks and set the prediction to the lowest stat % digit. That means, bot change the prediction based on the lowest Stat %. But bot will not place 2 same digits as prediction consecutively.

The main specialty of this bot is bot spit the martingale amount. For digit differ trades, to recover the loss, stake should multiply by 11. if $1 loss, next stake is $11. Next is $121. This is with high risk. This bot is with split martingale function. If you enter split martingale as 3, if $1 lost, next stake is ($1 x 11)/3 = 3.67. Bot places three $3.67 trades to recover the loss amount and start again with initial Stake. This helps you to use digit Differ bots with low account balance.


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